17890 572 2300-1100(=7290) 17605 572 0030-1000(=11710) 17595 723 2300-1100(=6125) 17580 725 2330-0900(=11925) 17565 572 0100-0730(=9830) 17550 572 0000-1200(=9845) 15550 572 0000-1100(=7345) 15480 572 2300-1300(=5945) 15380 572 2300-1100(=7275) 15370 723 0100-1100 13610 954 2300-1300(=9810) 12045 572 2300-1200(=9860) 11960 572 0000-0900(=6175) 11925 725 2025-2330,0900-1805(=17580) 11760 723 0000-1200(=7365) 11750 723 2200-1000(=7305) 11720 723 2330-1100(=9710) 11710 572 2025-0030,1000-1805(=17605) |
9860 572 2025-2300,1200-1805(=12045) 9845 572 2025-2400,1200-1805(=17550) 9830 572 2025-0100,0730-1805 9810 954 2025-2300,1300-1805(=13610) 9710 723 2025-2330,1100-1805(=11720) 9675 572 2300-1000(=6125) 9645 572 2330-1100(=6000) 9630 916 0000-1100(=6080) 9500 723 2025-1805 7365 723 1200-1805(=7215) 7345 572 2025-2400,1100-1805(=7345) 7305 723 2025-2200,1000-1805(=11750) 7290 572 2025-2300,1100-1805(=17890) 7275 572 2025-2300,1100-1805 (=15380) 7230 594 2025-1805 7215 723 2025-2400(=11760) |
6175 572 2025-2400,0900-1805(=11960) 6125 723 2025-2300,1100-1805(=17595) 6125 572 2025-2300,1000-1805(=9675) 6080 916 2025-2400,1100-1805(=9630) 6030 572 2025-1805 6000 572 2025-2330,1100-1805(=9645) 5945 572 2025-2300,1300-1805(=15480) 4800 916 2025-1805 4750 2021 2025-1805 Transmitter site TARGET ARIA |
17625 491 0000-0900(=9515) 15540b 0100-1100 not Tu.0600-0900(=11740) 15500 491 2300-1000(=6155) 15270 491 0100-0900(=9775) 12080 724 0000-1000(=9755) 11915 724 0030-1300(=7335) 11845 594 0000-1100(=9820) 11835 594 0000-1300(=7425) 11800 491 2300-1200(=7375) 11740b 2055-0100,1100-1605(=15540) 11670 491 2330-1200(=6065) 11660 594 0100-1100(=7315) 11610 491 2300-1300(=7370) |
9820 594 2055-0000,1100-1605(=11845) 9810 724 0100-1230(=7265) 9775 491 2055-0100,0900-1605(=15270) 9755 724 2055-2400,1000-1605(=12080) 9720 722 0000-1000 9620 491 2300-1300(=7245) 9515 491 2055-2400,0900-1605(=17625) 7425 594 1300-1605(=7395) 7395 594 2055-2400,(=11835) 7375 491 1200-1605(=6040) 7370 491 2055-2300,1300-1605(=11610) 7335 724 2055-0030,1300-1605(=11915) 7315 594 2055-0100,1100-1605 |
7265 724 2055-0100, 1230-1605(=9810) 7245 491 2055-2300,1300-1605(=9620) 6155 491 2055-2300,1000-1605(=15500) 6065 491 2055-2330,1200-1605 6040 491 2055-2300(=11800) site QH 916 100kW 9570gm 0100-1000(=6090) 7220gm 2300-1200(=3985) 6190gm 2055-2300(=7220) 6090gm 2055-0100,1000-1605(=9570) 3985gm 1200-1605(=6190) |
![]() May 18, 2017 (Voice of Minorities) ![]() 0600-0900(not Wed.) 9785, 9695 0900-1100 9785, 9695, 1143, 1017 (1206 HL) 1100-1505 9785, 9695 ![]() 2055-0300 11810, 9610, 1143 0300-0400 11810, 9610, 1143 (9750 7270 6040 NM) 0400-0600 11810, 9610 CNR9 文艺之声 Wenyi zhi sheng 2200-1800 FM106.6, MW747 Beijing CNR10 老年之声?E? laonian zhi sheng 2005-1805 MW 1053kHz Beijing CNR11 藏语广播 Tibetan 2155-1605 not W.0600-0855 105.7FM(Lhasa), 1098MW(Beijing) 6010 2155-2400, 1300-1605 7350 1300-1605 7360 2155-2400 9480 2155-0100, 1100-1605 9530 0000-1300 11685 0000-1300 15570 0100-1100 CNR13 ![]() 2355-0400 Uyghur 13700, 15390 0400-1100 Uyghur 13700, 15390 not Tu.0600-0855 1100-1400 Uyghur 9420, 13700 1400-1805 Uyghur 9420, 9890 CNR17中国哈萨克语广播 Kazakh 2355-1200 12055, 11630, 1422, 1008 not Tu.0600-0900 1200-1805 11630, 9630, 1422, 1008 (1600-1700 6015, 7340 XJ) |
中国民族广播網 中国蒙古语广播 中国藏语广播 中国维吾尔语广播 中国哈萨克语广播 中国朝鲜语广播 |
April 12, 2017
Chinese 2000(Tu.2100)-1800UTC (not Tu.0600-1000)
2230-2300, 0030-0100, 1030-1100 relay of CNR1
11950(290d) 0158-0857 / 7240(290d) 2000-0157, 0858-1800,
11860(085d) 0258-0857 / 7450(085d) 2000-0257, 0858-1800,
6050 (nd), 5935 (085d), 4820(nd) 2000-1800
![]() 2300-2357, 0400-0457,1300-1357 relay of CNR11 in Tibetan 0700, 1600UTC .in English "Holy Tibet" 9490 (085d) 0200-1000 / 7255 (085d) 2050-0200,1000-1805 7385 (290d) 2050-0200, 1000-1805 / 9580 0200-1000 6200 (85), 6130 (290d), 6110 (220d), 6025 (268), 4920 (nd), 4905 (nd) |
![]() |
2nd pro. Chinese, Yui, Tibetan 7225 6060kHz(2155-1515v)
News Channel
W.0400-0955) 666MW
4940 0945-1600 666
(Sa.Su0930-0955, 1430-1455 English "Focus on China")
4900 0940-1605 873
6185 0950-1600
FM 107.1 MHz, AM 873 kHz
Except 0400-0953 every Wednesday.
China Huayi Broadcasting Corporation, PO Box 251, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China 350001
Qing Hai People's Broadcasting Station
Chunese 9780, 6145
2200-1600 (not Tu.0600-0855)
QHEBS Radio 1413AM, 107.5FM
QINGHAI Traffic&Music Broadcasting Station: Chinese 1377AM, 97.2FM 2255-1500
Tibetan(Amdo dialect)
2250-1600 (0800-0900 rel.CNR8)
Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Gannan People's Broadcasting Station
2220-0100, 0950-1400UTC Tibetan/Chinese 5980 3990 (2300, 1300 relay CNR11)
Service 89.0
Chinese Service 675/765/1494/ 2150-1605(Tu.not 0600-0850) Live
9520 2150-1605
Azi. 36
7420 2150-1605
Mongolian Service 1098/1395/1458, 95.9 2150-1605
9750 2150-1605
Azi. 36
6040 2150-1605
7270 2150-1605
Azi. 52
Trafic 105.6 2150-1600:
Economiy :101.4
Music Radio :93.6
102.8 3kW
Uyghur UTC: 2300-1800(not Tu.0800-1100) 13670 0200-1400, 7205 2300-0200, 1400-1800 11885 2300-1800 9560 0300-1200, 6120 2300-0300, 1200-1800 7275 2300-1800
Chinese Service UTC: 2300-1800(not Tu.0800-1100) 11770 2300-1800 9600 0200-1400, 7310 2300-0200, 1400-1800 7260 2300-1800 5960 2300-0257, 1157-1800 9835 0257-1157
Kazakh UTC: 2300-1800(not Tu.Th.0800-1100) 9470 0300-1200, 6015 2310-0300, 1200-1800 7340 2310-1800
Mongolian UTC: 2300-0330,0530-1030(Tu.Th.0800), 1230-1800 6190 2310-0330, 1230-1800, 9510 0530-1030 7230 2310-1800
Kyrgyz UTC: 0330-0530, 1030(Tu.Th.1100)-1230 9705 0330-0530, 1030-1230, 7230 1210-1230 11975 0330-0530, 1030-1230, 6190 1210-1230
96.1 2300-1800
92.9 2300-1800
94.9 2330-1800
People's Radio Station of YunNan (YNDT)
7210 2255-0300, 0630-0830, 1055-1500
6035 2230-0130, 0945-1415
9820 5050 2300-0100, 1000-1600 Vietnamese/Cantonese/Chinese/Thai/English
6200kHz 1230-1500UTC(April 12, 2018)
SARFT Sites used for Int'l MW and int'l and domestic SW: >> CAH Changchun: 1017kHz DOF Dongfang: 603/684kHz 600kW HDN Huadian: 1323 kHz 600kW HDU Huadu: 1341kHz HEI Heilongjiang Province: (*) 1323kHz xxx Heihe: unk freq 100kW HNL Changzhou, Henglin: 1044 kHz 1000kW HTB Hutubi: 1521 kHz 500kW KAS Kashgar: 1422 kHz 600kW KUN Kunming: 1080/1296kHz LHA Lhasa: 1323kHz NEI Nei Menggu Aut. Reg.: (*) 963kHz xxx Shuangyashan: unk freq 200kW XJG Xinjiang Uyghur Aut. Reg.: (*) 1323kHz XUW Xuanwei: 1188/1269kHz 600kW (*) Exact location unknown >> SW (approximate transmitter numbers) >> BEI Beijing, three sites: Doudian (G.C. 39N38 116E05) 4x150, 6x500kW; Matoucun 12x100kW; Shuangqiao 8x100, 6x150kW GEM Golmud: 4x100kW HUH Hohhot (Bikeqi): 3x100kW JIN Jinhua: 3x500kW KAS Kashgar (Saibagh): 4x100, 8x500kW KUN Kunming (Anning ): 4x100, 4x150, 4x500kW LHA Lhasa: 13x100kW LIN Lingshi: 6x100kW NNN Nanning: 2x15, 3x100, 1x150kW SZG Shijiazhuang, two sites: Nanpozhuang (G.C. : 2x500kW; Huikou: 6x100kW URU Urumqi, Hutubi: 9x100, 8x500kW XIA Xi'an, three sites: Xianyang 4x150, 6x500kW; Baoji, Sifangshan: 6x100kW; Baoji, Xinjie 1x150kW >> For Beijing, Shijiazhuang and Xi'an shortwave, it is possible to identify specific sites for almost all frequencies as follows: >> BEI 150/500kW CRI from Doudian BEI 100kW CNR-1 from Matoucun BEI 100/150kW CNR-2, CNR-5, CNR-6, CNR-8 from Shuangqiao SZG 500kW CRI from Nanpozhuang SZG 100kW CNR from Huikou XIA 500kW CRI from Xianyang XIA 500kW RCI from Xianyang XIA 150kW CNR-2 all from Xianyang except 9820kHz XIA 100kW CNR-1 and CNR-8 from Baoji, Sifangshan XIA 150kW CNR-2 9820 kHz only from Baoji, Xinjie XIA 150kW CRI from Baoji, Xinjie XIA 150kW VOR from Baoji, Xinjie >> SARFT SW sites only used for jamming: >> DOF Dongfang: 150, 5x500kW NAN Nanchang: 6x100kW QIQ Qiqihar: 6x100, 1x500kW xxx Quanzhou: 150kW